Tell fear to fuck off…

Tell fear to fuck off…

In the briefest moments, I get a little bit scared. And I start wondering what might happen if I get the Corona virus or if anyone I love gets the virus. And I stop myself. I’ll tell you what – old, anxious me, would probably have been dead by now from all...
We need grit and grace right now

We need grit and grace right now

Boy, do we need grit and grace right now. Times of chaos and challenge can often be the most spiritually and personally powerful… IF we are brave enough to allow ourselves to be OK with the uncertainty. We’re in a squeeze right now. It’s a place where we look...
Are you afraid to stand out?

Are you afraid to stand out?

Are you afraid to stand out? I know I have been at various times in my life. There’s been times when I’ve been around the wrong people, in the wrong place mentally and afraid of what people might think of me for doing what I want. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in...
There is only one you…

There is only one you…

There is only one you… Two clients recently, stuck and suffering paralysis over being ‘out there’ and ‘naked’ – and not making enough money because they are struggling to get clients, it’s a recurring theme. Digging deep to find their story, who they truly...