Despite the rise in social media and the wonderful ability to reach
out to anybody online these days, business still remains all about

There’s a saying that “people buy from people, who they know, like
and trust”. That means building meaningful connections with
people who you want to do business with just like in the old days,
before the internet where personal connection was king!

Now this won’t happen without an authentic presence on social
media. Authenticity is an ‘in’ word right now and bandied about
everywhere but it simply means being genuine, real and
transparent in your social media activity.
Being yourself on social media, with a consistent presence that
demonstrates your expertise is a sure fire way to build a tribe of
followers who know, like and trust you.

Are you doing these five things to show up authentically on social media?
1. Create consistent profiles across your social media with a
simple bio that states how you help your ideal client. Choose
a good quality photo and keep the same one on all your
social media channels.

2. Now is a good time to consider what channels you use. Do
you need to be on all the channels? Better to be consistently
good rather than spreading yourself to thin. Choose two
social media accounts to start with, do them well and then
move on and add another one.

3. Share content that your audience will find genuinely
useful. It’s a no-brainer really. Know what your clients need
and the problems they’re having and deliver your solutions
across your channels in an engaging way.

4. Develop a social media content strategy and think about how
you can stand out from your competition. There’s a lot of
noise in social media, so use high quality content and
images to make a noise.

5. Now you need to promote yourself. Promote your social
presence and don’t be discreet about it! Ask your real-life
connections to engage with your profile by liking, following,
sharing and commenting. Create a buzz and get the
conversation started, it will mean that more people are likely
to jump on board.

Remember, consistently showing up and being you will help
you build a loyal tribe which will build your business and
spread your message. Have fun doing it.